visual stimulation for babies

Importance of Visual Stimulation for Babies

Jun 16 , 2021

Visual stimulation plays a key role in vision development but it is a complex system and takes time to mature in babies. The exposure to visual stimulation can help in development and visual perception gets defined in time. The benefits of visual stimulations are many and over time, they can really improve your baby’s vision.

  • It helps in the identification of colours, patterns and light intensity
  • The lateral geniculate nucleus is developed which is important for the baby’s attention
  • It helps in developing creativity and learning is improved

Apart from this, it helps them in their academic learning in gradual years. They are able to adapt to circumstances better and engage in creative activities.

There are many ways to do it at home and you can start by

helping them get acquainted with facial expression as newborns respond to that. This will also help them identify expression in time.

Make eye contact with them while playing as it helps to stimulate cognitive functioning.

Once your baby turns 2 months old, you can even introduce primary colours to them.

By surrounding the baby’s bed with black and white pictures. This could include the bedsheet, blanket, pillow covers, towels and toys

Help develop your baby’s focus by holding your baby very close to your face, as often as you can.

From a week after the birth of baby till about a year, it is of utmost importance to provide different types of visual stimulation to our baby. 

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