Juvenile diabetes, better known as Type I diabetes affects adolescents and in this condition, the body’s ability to produce Insulin is compromised. Insulin is the hormone in the body that regulates the usage of glucose and its conversion into energy.

Now that you know how it affects children, here is everything else to know about Juvenile Diabetes:
Causes of juvenile diabetes
Genetics has a major role in determining the cause of juvenile diabetes. While the exact cause is unknown but it is the result of the immune system’s inability to recognize the insulin-producing cells (Islet cells) and destroying them. Other factors include diet, exposure to certain viruses and environmental factors.

The following symptoms develop over a period of time
Weight loss: Rapidly losing weight can be a sign that your body is using up all the glycogen reserves.
Increased hunger: Along with weight loss, if you are excessively hungry, even after eating sufficiently, this may be your body’s way of telling that it requires more energy.
Fruity smell: This happens when the body is burning fat instead of carbohydrates, hence the fruity breath.
Blurred vision: This is a very common symptom of type I diabetes. If your child’s vision has started to blur then you should definitely get him or her checked for diabetes.
There is no definite treatment available for type I diabetes, the medications only can help keep the condition under control. Apart from medications, proper diet should be followed and the blood sugar level should be monitored.
Above mentioned information can help you understand the effects of type I diabetes. This condition affects only a small percentage of the population. If proper measures are taken, the child can lead a long and healthy life.