This year has been different and challenging. Parents had to adapt to the new normal routine and children too had to adjust too. The holiday season is here but the pandemic has changed the ways we celebrated them. It might be difficult for children to accept that Christmas won’t be the same this year.

But let the pandemic not impact our celebration so here is how you can do it while staying safe.
Talk to your kids
Explain your kids that staying safe is important hence the plans will change this year. Help them understand how they can still celebrate Christmas and ask them to share what they feel about it.
Focus on new rituals
If you went out for Christmas lunch or a place which may be closed this time, arrange for a similar experience at home.
Decorate a Christmas tree
Bring out the lights and get a Christmas tree for your living room. Decorate the house with the help of kids. You can order the decoration online.
Send packages
Young kids may be missing their friends so make tiny packages that contain cute gifts and send them out as a Christmas gift.
Make festive drinks and food at home
Hot cocoa, cookies, rum and raisin cake etc. are Christmas staples so make holiday food at home with your kids.
Celebrate over video calls
Arrange for a game night and dress up for it. This will be a great way for children to reconnect with their friends.
Shop Online
Order clothes online and get dress up for the day.
These are some way to celebrate the holidays with kids during the pandemic. Do the best that you can and stay safe and practice social distancing.