Ricard Scott William Hutchinson holds the Guinness World Record for being the most prematurely delivered baby to survive. He has given 0% odds of survival since he was born way ahead of his scheduled delivery date. But recently he celebrated his first birthday on 5th June, 2021.
Beth’s due delivery date was October 13, 2020. But she went into labor unexpectedly a few months before the due delivery date because of some complications. The couple agreed to deliver Richard and do everything they could to ensure his survival.
When he was born, he could barely fit in one of his parents’ hands. Richard was born at a gestational age of 21 weeks 2 days, making him 131 days premature. He weighed only 340 grams and measured 26 cm, a Guinness World Records statement read.

Richard was born at Children’s Minnesota hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota.”When Rick and Beth received prenatal counselling on what to expect with a baby born so early, they were given a 0% chance of survival by our neonatology team. I knew the first few weeks of Richard’s life would be very difficult, but I felt that if he could make it through that, he would be a survivor,” said Richard’s neonatologist at Children’s Minnesota.

After spending more than six months in the hospital, Ricard was discharged in December 2020 and went home with his family. “The day Richard was discharged from the NICU was such a special day. I remember picking him up out of his crib and just holding him with tears in my eyes,” Doctor said.

Guinness World Records officially recognised Richard after he celebrated his first birthday. Beth said “It doesn’t feel real. We’re still surprised about it. But we’re happy. It’s a way we can share his story to raise awareness about premature births,”.

Richard celebrated his first birthday with his parents and other family members.
Earlier this record was held by James Elgin Gill, who was born to Brenda and James Gill in Ottawa, Canada. He was born at a gestational age of 21 weeks 5 days on May 20, 1987.