This pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the mental as well as physical health of children and it has been a challenge for parents to help them cope. Not participating in any recreational activity or having a normal routine can affect their behavior.
It is important to teach your children the right thing to do but staying at home twenty-four seven and being corrected is something that children won’t take well during this period. Whether they realize it or not, children are dependent on their parents to help them find a solution to their problems and even help them cope with the ‘new normal routine’. For this, parents should make slight changes in the way they communicate with their children and work on instilling harmonious and positive thoughts.
Here are some phrases that you should start using with your child at home to make them feel better.
Say ‘I love you’ often
Although parents have immense love for children in their hearts but many don’t say it as much as they should. Show affection to your children and make them feel you care for them and assure they can always come to you in the time of need.
Assure them that everything will be fine
It is important to stay optimistic during this time and children may be worried about this situation. Help them understand that it is just a phase and it’ll pass too.
Stop saying no to everything
Change your approach and let children learn through their mistakes. Constantly telling them not to do things and controlling their behavior isn’t the best way to enable their growth.
Say ‘ I am sorry’ more often
Adults make mistakes too and to set a positive example, learn to say sorry for the mistakes you’ve made. This will help children have self-esteem and they would feel comfortable communicating with parents.
Saying ‘ I am grateful for this job’
Work From Home setup can be a little difficult to adjust to and you may end up losing your temper and lash out. Avoid saying things like ‘ I hate this job’ casually in front of your children. Ask for help if you think that is the best and you can even tell your children why you are grateful for your job during this time.