Unlike the first one, in the second wave of Covid-19, many children have tested positive for the disease. In case your child has tested positive for coronavirus, you need not to panic, you can take care of them at your home. Here are some tips on how to help your covid-19 positive children at home and prevent the spread of the virus.
Guidelines for COVID 19 positive children:

- Keep the child isolated in a well ventilated room with an attached toilet
- Try to keep the infected child away from elderly, pregnant women and other children.
- No social gatherings or visitors should be allowed
- Provide dedicated linen and eating utensils for the child and keep them separate.
- Motivate them to take steam and prescribed medicines.
- Newborns can be breastfed after the mother observes a hand hygiene routine, and wears a mask.
- Keep checking on them frequently
- Ask them to rest as much as possible.
- Give them some books to read to kill boredom.
- Encourage them to engage themselves in some activity like painting or listening to music.
- Share positive things with them.