Children are very much susceptible to illness, especially in the rainy season. In this season they are at a higher risk of getting infected with health issues. Therefore, it is important to make sure that they drink and eat hygienic food so here is the list of foods that children must avoid in monsoon season:
• Fried food

Fried food is one such food item that you should avoid in the rainy season. In monsoon kid’s digestion process slow down, so the fried foods can cause gastronomical problems like indigestion and bloating.
• Juices

Roadside juices can be very harmful to children because of the water used in making the juice. Also, roadside vendors cut the fruits in advance, which might come in contact with contaminated air. Make your kids eat salad and fruits directly, but after washing them.
• Leafy vegetables

We all are aware of the health benefits of leafy vegetables but it is advised to avoid them in the rainy season. The environment has lots of humidity and so the leafy vegetables are moist and the leaves contain sticky dirt in it making these vegetable infectious in the rainy season. If you eat them make sure you wash them properly.
• Ice candies

Ice candies can cause cough, cold and throat infection.
• Street food

Children love eating street food but it is not healthy in the rainy season. Street food mainly chats, pani puris, and Chinese food items should be avoided. The ingredients used in making them are not healthy and hygienic, so they are harmful to children. The material used for making them can be contaminated.
• Seafood
Monsoon season is the time when most types of living being in water breed so it is best to avoid eating them. This impacts the taste and quality of the food.
Other than this, it is recommended that parents ask their kids to follow a healthy diet in the rainy season.