These days all of us have a modern lifestyle which our children too follow. This lifestyle is not only about living standard but also includes our eating habits. Rather than homemade food kids prefer junk food and throw tantrums for eating vegetables and fruits. We all know that eating a lot of junk food harm them and can cause weight gain and digestion issues too. So as a parent, it is our duty to make them eat healthily and if your child doesn’t like to eat homemade food you need to improve their eating habits. Here are some ways of doing it
Stock healthy snacks
Whenever your child asks for some snacks to satisfy quick hunger provide them with healthy snack options like fruits, juices, soups or cornflakes or milk.
Have family meals
Fix a time and have a family dinner daily, make that time enjoyable with conversations and sharing things. If mealtimes are not pleasant the kids tend to eat faster and leave the table soon, so have good conversations at the table.
Encourage them to drink water

Source Common Dreams
Too much consumption of cold drinks and sodas is linked to increased rates of obesity in children so help them develop a habit of drinking a lot of water.
Be a role model
Kids especially teenagers often do the exact what their parents do, if you are eating junk food in front of your child, then they might also develop same habits. So try to avoid eating unhealthy food in front of them.
Pack healthy lunch for them

Source Sharmis Passions
Cook and pack healthy lunch for your kids, also give a different variety of food to them in the lunch box. With various varieties of food every other day in the lunch box they will love to finish it. Avoid giving them pasta or maggie in Tiffin.
Make a schedule
Keeping a regular meal and snack schedule also helps. Make sure they eat every three to four hours-Three meals, two snack, and liquids. By planning the time of these meals your child’s diet will be much more balanced and he will not become too hungry in between meals. Though it is important to stick to an eating schedule but do not pressurize them into eating if not feeling hungry.
- Discourage eating meals or snacks while watching TV. Try to avoid eating in front of the TV as it may make it difficult to pay attention to feelings of fullness, and may lead to overeating.