The world is collectively seeing tough days and people who require medical assistance are worried about how safe it is to go to a hospital during this pandemic. Pregnant mothers are concerned about how they are going to ensure the wellbeing of their baby and what are their chances of being exposed to their virus during their visit.
If you too are worried about your routine checkups then you can opt for telemedicine to avoid any risks. You can consult with your doctor over the phone and virtual appointment has more than one benefit. It helps you save time that otherwise would have been spent in traveling, it saves your energy and you can opt for consultation from the comfort of your home. If you are asking yourself the question whether you should attend your scheduled scan appointments, then the answer is an absolute yes.
Important scheduled visits
As for important scans and checkups, your doctor can ask you to visit him/her if it is absolutely necessary and all the hospitals and health care centers are taking necessary precautions to ensure that pregnant mothers are not exposed to coronavirus. The doctors and health care workers will be wearing PPEs and will also be following all the safety instructions.
The checkups will help the doctor understand if there are any abnormalities, positioning of the placenta, and other important facts that are relevant to your baby’s health.
If you are still concerned about the visits for your scans, you can take certain steps from your end to ensure safe visits.
Everyone is now responsible for their own health during this time so make sure you follow all the safety instructions while going out for your scheduled check-up. Wear a mask at all times and avoid speaking to people without it. Carry a hand sanitizer and avoid touching common surfaces like doorknobs, handles, etc. avoid touching your mouth and maintain 6-feet-distance from other people.
The best way to deal with all these concerns is having a frank discussion with your doctor. Let them know your worries and apprehensions. They will be able to solve them and provide you with the necessary assurance