Changing season has a great impact on our skin. Pregnant women may overlook their skincare needs which may lead to breakouts, dryness and even stretch marks.

Apart from taking a balanced diet, here are some skincare tips for pregnant women and how they can keep their skin healthy and glowing in the scorching summer heat.
Stay hydrated
Starting from the most basic as well as effective tip, make sure you are consuming enough water as it not only affects your bodily functions but can cause skin dryness as well.
Consume healthy fats
Healthy fats should be a part of your diet if you want to keep your skin healthy. Add nuts and avocados to your diet in appropriate quantities as healthy fat facilitates repairing of damaged skin.
Get adequate sleep
This tip is for pregnant mothers who toss and turn throughout the night. Make sure you are getting enough sleep as all the repair work in the body happens when you are sleeping and resting.
Moisturize your skin
Though the weather is warmer, that does not mean your skin does not have to be moisturized anymore. Keep your skin moisturized and use natural ones with added essential oils and fragrances.
Don’t shower using hot water
Hot water can cause your pores to open up and may cause dryness as well. Avoid taking a hot water bath to prevent dryness.
Here are some quick tips for skincare. You can also keep your skin healthy by incorporating a basic exercise routine that will also keep you healthy and active.