It is difficult to stay active if you have been told to stay at home all day. It is just as important for kids to stay active but since every gymnasium, courts, and swimming pools have been closed, your child may find it difficult to stay active, and not participating in any physical activity which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

It is important to indulge in moderate exercise to stay fit. Here is how you can keep your kids active during this lockdown.
Try on-the-spot exercises
On the spot running, jumping jacks, skipping, etc does not require much space and you can even do it alongside your child. These exercises will also help them build stamina.
Fix a time and don’t do any other activity during those hours
Making a proper routine can help bring discipline in life. Make sure your children exercise at a fixed time every day of the week and you do not ask them to do anything else during those hours.
Try cycling
Get them back on their bicycles and head out for a bicycle ride. Cycling is the best option to stay fit during this time as it ensures there is minimal contact between you and others outside. Carry a mask for your protection.
Make use of terrace and garden space
If you have a spacious terrace and garden then make use of it. Try doing sprints, play football, basketball, volleyball, etc. to keep your kids interested in physical exercise.
Add strength training to their routine
Pushups, lunges, squats, etc can help train muscles which are good for their health.
This is also a good way of keeping them healthy and active.
Try to avoid friend and sugary items.
You can even ask for their contribution to household work so that they move around.