There is a saying that ‘every girl may find her prince but her father always remain a king’. A father and daughter’s bond is truly filled with love and emotions as a girl always looks up to her dad to get advice and guidance. My father has always been my counselor and here are few advises he gave me to make life better
Listen to your heart
There will be times when you have to take a tough decision so in that case do listen to everyone but at last, follow your heart. Don’t let anyone manipulate you, do whatever you think is right and stick to it until the end.
Be independent
In today’s time, it’s very important for every girl to stand on their own feet and never let their identity fades away. Even men like strong women, so after marriage take charge of responsibilities and always respect yourself first because only then you will be valued.
Be adjustable
After marriage, your life totally changes and you have to adjust with a new lifestyle, though it’s not that easy but still try your best to manage everything. Instead of ignoring new changes make an effort to adapt them but don’t accept anything wrong.
Fight with tough situations
Life is full of hurdles but what matters the most is how quickly you cross those barriers. There will be circumstances when you would feel that you can’t handle it anymore but remember running away is not the solution.
Your family will always be there for you
Though in our society most people follow a typical stereotype and think that after marriage only husband’s home is a girl’s house but we are always there for you. No matter what this will always be your home sweet home and your family’s hearts will always be open to welcome you.
Never lose self-respect
Don’t let anyone take you for granted, be that kind of a lady who is not easy to go. Be precious in your own way because if you will love and value yourself then only others will respect you and make sure that they don’t hurt your sentiments.