
In Pics: Breastfeeding is no More a Taboo

Aug 06 , 2019

What’s the major difference in feeding a child inside or outdoor? Earlier many people use to judge the ladies breastfeeding in public but with awareness on social media thing have changed a lot for good.

No doubt still there are some who feel breastfeeding in front of everyone is shameful but, what could be more important than a little one’s hunger? So let’s praise these mommies’s and see some of the most beautiful pictures that prove Breastfeeding is no more a taboo.

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Tomorrow is the first day of World Breastfeeding Week! I am so happy to share my breastfeeding journey. For me, it has NOT been sunshine and rainbows and beautiful. I’m not going to pretend like it was easy. It’s not. It’s hard. The last 8 months of exclusively breastfeeding has been painful, there’s been tears, I’ve been touched out, kicked in the face, bitten, I’ve had oversupply, and the struggle of pumping and working. Despite all these struggles- 8 months later we are still going strong! Why? Because it’s worth every minute of it. Worth every tear. I’ll be touching up more in details the struggles this week so stay tuned. . . . . #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedinginpublic #breastfeedwithoutfear #breastfeedingproblems #breastfeedingtips #breastfeedingawareness #breastfeedingsupport #breastfeedingmomma #breastfeedingmoms #breastfedbabies #newmommylife #newmoms #theartofmotherhood #normalizebreastfeeding #worldbreastfeedingweek #worldbreastfeedingweek2019 #8monthspostpartum #thefourthtrimester #4thtrimester #lifewithbaby #lifestylebaby #babiesworld #instababylove #motherhoodunfiltered #motherhoodlife #motherhoodisdarling #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #lifedailymoms #modernmama

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D O J Č E N I E🤱🏼 Ano, přesně takhle se řekne kojení ve slovenštině. No přísahám! A vlastně to přesně vystihuje ten zázračný akt, kdy mládě saje mléko matce. Je pro mě až neuvěřitelný, jak samovolný a instinktivní to pro (vím, že ne pro každou) matku, ale i dítě je. Já si třeba neřekla, tak a teď budiž mlíko v mých ňadrech, pokud možno prvních pár dní na imunitu a pak na uhašení hladu a žízně tohoto malého tvorečka. Zařídilo se to nějak samo🤷🏼‍♀️. A to, že malá saje jak pijavice je další přirozený instinkt, který si neumím vysvětlit, ale teda na co mě nikdo sakra nevaroval, že to bude tak strašně bolet! A to ještě nemá zuby (zato má už mozoly na dasních;)) Přirovnala bych jí k takový malý amazonský piraně, co se mi každý 3h agresivně přisaje na prso a nechce se pustit. Jooo a tváří se přitom jako andílek, samozřejmě 👼🏼 Aspoň, že si už umí sama odkrknout. Nato manžel namítl, že jeho za to okřikuju a ji sladce chválím. No jo – není krknutí jako krknutí, znáte to 🍺😅 a tak tady válčíme několikrát denně a mě se z toho #kojeni už kroutí prsty na nohách, ale prej to přejde… Tak už aby! Auuuuuuu 😫 A ještě si zkuste porovnat tuhle fotku s tou pod ní ve feedu. Dělí ji jen 10 dní a takový změny! 🙌🏼 Stejný místo, jiný starosti. #thatslifebaby #breastfeeding #10daysoldbaby #VioletviaLetna

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Can we talk breastfeeding?!? • First off, let me say that I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding, however there are many ways to feed your baby and I believe in whatever keeps the mom sane & the baby fed! • It can SUCK in the beginning, no pun intended. For most people the first month is extremely tough! It can be painful, frustrating & annoying. • BUT You get to bond with your baby in a way you couldn’t otherwise. They don’t call it liquid gold for nothing!! It’s empowering & FREE! It’s convenient most of the time except situations like the pictured…when I realize I’m wearing a dress and have to find shorts to feed Q in public 😫 but then you come out with pics like these 😂 • Some advice: 1. TRY IT! I’ve heard so many women tell me they didn’t even try because they heard it hurt (it should only be painful momentarily & pain is beauty my ladies 2. Create a schedule once you get going – your babe does not have to be constantly attached to your boob!!! 3. Get support – like REAL support! The hospital I gave birth at has a free BF support group with an LC. Find one! You can always reach out to me & ask any questions. I’m an open 📖

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National Breastfeeding Month is nearly here and I can’t think of a better introduction to provide than an intimate look into why normalizing breastfeeding is still SO critical in 2019. ⁣ ⁣ I’m a lactation consultant.⁣ ⁣ I’m a doula.⁣ ⁣ I’m a mother.⁣ ⁣ I’m a breastfeeder.⁣ ⁣ And I support scientific evidence that human milk is a normal, life sustaining food that should be available for all children, everywhere. Politics complicate a parent’s ability to produce and provide human milk everywhere from the work force to the nosey and judgmental shopper in the produce section who has something to say about their perception of breastfeeding in public spaces.⁣ ⁣ It’s 2019, and we have a long, long ways to go in order to go BACK to normalizing breastfeeding. Head over to this week’s blog to learn how to become an ally, call out injustices, and support the breastfeeding parent and their individual challenges when it comes to providing their baby with human milk. And if you’re a birth worker, please refer your clients to a qualified lactation professional when the going gets tough. Lack of qualified support and available community resources are the top reasons why parents cease breastfeeding their children. Understand the disservice that is provided when you are not trained to deliver specialized lactation care and how valuable a professional referral can be to your client.⁣

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Tomorrow is the start of World Breastfeeding Week (Aug 1-7) and to support moms we think it’s important to normalize breastfeeding. Why? The more people see babies at the breast, the more normal it will become, which supports mothers to breastfeed anywhere and anytime their baby needs it. Thats why we created a Givaway contest! By posting a #NormalizeBreastfeeding photo on your Instagram and/or Facebook, you can win a professional (breastfeeding) photoshoot worth €150,-. by How can you join the contest? ❤️ Like & Share this post (on FB: Share on your Timeline, on Instagram: Share in your Story) ❤️ Upload your own Breastfeeding photo & tag @boezemvriend #Boezemvriend ❤️ Winner will be chosen on Thursday 8th of August ❤️ Be sure you are able to attend the photoshoot that will take place in Amsterdam in September 2019 (exact date can be chosen together) ❤️ The 1 hour photoshoot may including you and your child(ren) ❤️ You will digitally receive 5 edited photos ❤️ We may share one of the photos of your choice on our social media Let’s #NormalizeBreastfeeding together! 👭💞

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World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide infants with the nutrients they need. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding starting within one hour after birth until a baby is 6 months old. Nutritious complementary foods should then be added while continuing to breastfeed for up to 2 years or beyond. However, world wide only 40% of all babies are exclusively breastfed until 6 months and only 45% of that group is being breastfed until 2 years. Many mothers lack support in achieving their breastfeeding goals. That’s why World Breastfeeding Week is important to spread extra information and awareness. Not only to parents to be, but also for health care providers, employers and anyone else around you. Follow our posts this week to see how you can support a breastfeeding mom or join our win contest (tomorrow more info about this!)

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Day by day I fall more and more in love with breastfeeding my baby. Being able to nourish, comfort, and bond with him through breastfeeding is just proof of how amazing our bodies truly are. I breastfed my oldest for 3 months due to work, my middle for 13 months and now going on 3 months strong with Baby Q. ~ Queens reminder that you are Strong, Beautiful, and Powerful! ~ #breastfeedingmom #liquidgold #milkymama #lactivist #breastfedbaby #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeeding #breastfeed #mom #motherhood #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodinstyle #motherhoodintheraw #motherhoodunplugged #uniteinmotherhood #momsofinstagram #momssupportingmoms #motherhoodjourney #momtogs #thehappynow #mytinymoments #mytribe #momlife #boymom #momofboys

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Je suis touchée par chaque personne qui me contacte et me raconte son histoire. Il y a tant de choses uniques en vous tous. . L’histoire de Claire m’a amenée encore une autre perspective : celle de l’identité photographique, de mon travail et de la notoriété qu’il commence à avoir notamment grâce aux réseaux. . @claire_de_la_tribu a eu son 7ème enfant, elle est fana de portage et de belles écharpes, je la connais depuis quelques années via les réseaux et groupes Facebook. Elle est aussi monitrice de portage. Et quand elle était enceinte, son groupe d’amies de longue date m’a contactée en me demandant une carte cadeau à lui offrir. Car parmi les rares choses qu’elle souhaitait comme cadeau de naissance, il y avait une séance photo avec moi. Et spécifiquement avec moi… ❤️ . Quand j’ai eu ce mail, j’ai été tellement touchée par tant de reconnaissance !! Quel merveilleux sentiment de gratitude ce jour là !! 😍 . Je vous partage donc la 1ere photo de cette série toute en douceur, sur fond d’allaitement, de portage, de maternage et de féminité. . J’ai mesuré aussi à quel point mon travail était apprécié au-delà de mon périmètre marnais quand, ces derniers mois, j’ai eu des demandes du côté de Paris, Metz, Strasbourg, Aix, Mimizan, Bordeaux… Alors un grand merci à tout le monde !! C’est tellement important de savoir que notre travail touche autant de personnes. Que toute cette énergie, ce travail, ces heures de réflexion, de formation, et d’apprentissage ont affiné l’identité photographique pour lui permettre d’exister pleinement. En toute simplicité, en toute liberté et surtout : en toute authenticité 💕 . Dans les métiers artistiques notamment, une part de nous existe en chaque création. On y met de nos tripes, de notre cœur, de notre âme. On met à nu une part de notre sensibilité, de notre vulnérabilité, et de notre histoire aussi. Et trouver un écho chez d’autres personnes c’est gratifiant, rassurant et motivant. Alors ne vous arrêtez jamais de dire un compliment, un mot doux, un émerveillement, une gratitude, lorsque vous êtes touché par le travail photographique et artistique de quelqu’un. C’est sa plus belle récompense, au delà de la valeur financière 🙏💕

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